ИТФ им. Л.Д. Ландау L.D.Landau ITP RAS

Сектор плазмы и лазеров Plasma & Lasers (RU| EN)



  • XXXIII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter, March 1-6, 2018, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia.
  • Scientific-Coordination Workshop on Non-Ideal Plasma Physics NPP-2017 November 29-30, 2017, Moscow, Russia
  • XXXII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter, March 1-6, 2017, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia.
    Book of Abstracts, Moscow-Chernogolovka-Nalchik 2017, 466pp. ISBN 978-5-7558-0587-2
    1. Khokhlov V.A., Inogamov N.A., Zhakhovsky V.V., Ablation dynamics of film-substrate targets when thickness of film is more than thickness of heat affected zone. Book of Abstracts, 53
    2. Zhakhovsky V.V., Inogamov N.A., Khokhlov V.A., Irradiation of thin metal film standing without support by femtosecond laser in the case when illuminated spot is small. Book of Abstracts, 52
    3. Inogamov N. A., Zhakhovsky V. V., Khokhlov V. A. and Khishchenko K. V., Ablation of metal heated through transparent media. Book of Abstracts, 51
    4. Zhakhovsky V.V., Inogamov N.A., Khokhlov V.A., Separation of film from substrate by radially polarized laser beam. Book of Abstracts, 53
    5. Khokhlov V.A., Zhakhovsky V.V., Inogamov N.A., Expansion of multilayer target heated by short pulse with large penetration depth. Book of Abstracts, 54
    6. Shepelev V.V., Inogamov N.A., Interaction between ultrashort laser radiation and metal surface: Influence of multidimensional geometry to the formation of surface nanostructures. Book of Abstracts, 55
    7. Petrov Yu.V., Mokshin A.V., Galimzyanov B.N., Inogamov N.A., Electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity of liquid aluminum in the two-temperature state. Book of Abstracts, 278
  • Международная конференция «Дни Ландау – 2017» 26-29 июня, Черноголовка
    1. Petrov Yu. V. , Inogamov N. A. , Mokshin A. V. , Galimzyanov B. N. Electrical and thermal conductivities of Al in liquid two-temperature state
  • International Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science UltrafastLight-2017, October 03-05, 2017, Moscow
    1. N.A. Inogamov Laser ablation: review of some results
  • 19th Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Sunday-Friday, June 14-19, 2015; Tampa, Florida
    Procedings: SHOCK COMPRESSION OF CONDENSED MATTER - 2015: Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter AIP Conf. proc., 2017, 1793
    1. N.A. Inogamov, V.A. Khokhov, Y.V. Petrov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, K.P. Migdal, D.K. Ilnitsky, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, M. Yamagiwa, M. Ishino, T. Kawachi, A.Y. Faenov, T.A. Pikuz, M. Baba, Y. Minami and T. Suemoto. Rarefaction after fast laser heating of a thin metal film on a glass mount. AIP Conf. proc., 2017, 1793, 070012
    2. V.A. Khokhlov, N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, D.K. Ilnitsky, K.P. Migdal, V.V. Shepelev. Film-substrate hydrodynamic interaction initiated by femtosecond laser irradiation. AIP Conf. proc., 2017, 1793, 100038
    3. V.V.Zhakhovsky, K.P. Migdal, N.A.Inogamov, S.I.Anisimov MD simulation of steady shock-wave fronts with phase transition in single-crystal iron. AIP Conf. proc., 2017, 1793, 070003
    4. S.I. Ashitkov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, N.A. Inogamov, P.S. Komarov, M.B.Agranat and G.I.Kanel. The behavior of iron under ultrafast shock loading driven by a femtosecond laser. AIP Conf. proc., 2017, 1793, 100035
  • International Conference on Computer Simulation in Physics and beyond September 6-10, 2015, Moscow, Russia
    Procedings: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 681, 2016
    1. Inogamov, N. A. & Zhakhovsky, V. V. Surface 3D nanostructuring by tightly focused laser pulse: simulations by Lagrangian code and molecular dynamics. J. Phys.: Conf. Seri., 2016, 681, 012001[1-15]
  • XXX International Conference on Equations of State for Matter, March 1-6, 2016, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
    Procedings: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 774, 2016
    1. Ashitkov, S. I.; Komarov, P. S.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Petrov, Y. V.; Khokhlov, V. A.; Yurkevich, A. A.; Ilnitsky, D. K.; Inogamov, N. A., Agranat, M. B. Ablation of gold irradiated by femtosecond laser pulse: experiment and modeling J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2016, V. 774, No. 1, 012097[1-60]
    2. Petrov, Y. V.; Khokhlov, V. A.; Inogamov, N. A.; Khishchenko, K. V. & Anisimov, S. I. Reflectance of thin silver film on the glass substrate at the interaction with femtosecond laser pulses. J. Phy.: Conf. Ser., 2016, V. 774, No. 1, 012099[1-9]
    3. Khokhlov, V. A.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Khishchenko, K. V.; Inogamov, N. A. & Anisimov, S. I. Metal film on substrate: dynamics under action of ultra-short laser pulse. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2016, V. 774, No. 1,012100[1-10]
    4. Ilnitskiy, D. K.; Khokhlov, V. A.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Petrov, Y. V.; Migdal, K. P., Inogamov, N. A. Dynamics of laser ablation at the early stage during and after ultrashort pulse J. Phys: Conf. Ser., 2016, V. 774, No. 1, 012101[1-30]
    5. Inogamov, N. A.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Khokhlov, V. A.; Kuchmizhak, A. A. & Kudryashov, S. I. Blistering of film from substrate after action of ultrashort laser pulse. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2016, V. 774, No. 1, 012102[1-12]
    6. Petrov, Y. V.; Migdal, K. P.; Knyazev, D. V.; Inogamov, N. A. & Levashov, P. R. Transport properties of copper with excited electron subsystem. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2016, V. 774, No. 1, 012103[1-17]
  • X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XI San Diego, California, United States, 9 - 13 August 2015
    Proceedings: Proc. SPIE, v. 9598
    1. Masaharu Nishikino, Tetsuya Kawachi, Noboru Hasegawa, Masahiko Ishino, Yasuo Minami, Tohru Suemoto, Naofumi Ohnishi, Atsushi M. Ito, K. Sato, Anatoly Y. Faenov, Nail A. Inogamov, Mitsuru Yamagiwa. Observation of dynamics and modification of solid surface using a picosecond soft x-ray laser (Invited Paper) Proc. SPIE, 2015, v. 9589, 958902 (7 p.)
    2. Masahiko Ishino, Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Tatiana Pikuz, Igor Skobelev, Anatoly Faenov, Nail Inogamov, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa. Low electron temperature in ablating materials formed by picosecond soft x-ray laser pulses Proc.SPIE, 2015, v. 9589, 958904 (6 p.)
    3. Noboru Hasegawa, Masaharu Nishikino, Takuro Tomita, Naofumi Ohnishi, Atsushi M. Ito, Takashi Eyama, Naoya Kakimoto, Rui Idutsu, Yasuo Minami, Motoyoshi Baba, Anatoly Y. Faenov, Nail A. Inogamov, Tetsuya Kawachi, Mitsuru Yamagiwa, Tohru Suemoto. The observation of a transient surface morphology in the femtosecond laser ablation process by using the soft x-ray laser probe Proc. SPIE, 2015, v. 9589, 95890A (8 p.)
  • Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic, 06-09 July, 2015
    Abstracts PIERS Proceedings, 2015
    1. Nail A. Inogamov, V. V. Zhakhovsky, and V. A. Khokhlov Three Dimensional Ablation Flow Produced by Ultrashort Laser Pulse from Perfectly Flat Target Abstract150308091249 PIERS Proceedings, 2015 2413-2417 pdf
    2. N.A. Inogamov, V.A. Khokhlov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, Yu.V. Petrov, K.V. Khishchenko, and S.I. Anisimov Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Thin Films on Substrate Abstract150228124400 PIERS Proceedings, 2015 2422-2426 pdf
    3. Yu.V. Petrov, N.A. Inogamov and K.P. Migdal Two-temperature Heat Conductivity of Gold. Abstract150308085132 PIERS Proceedings, 2015 2431-2435 pdf
  • XXX International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter, March 1-6, 2015, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
    Abstracts: Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter - 2015, Book of Abstracts JIHT RAS, Moscow, 2014. ISBN 978-5-7558-0558-2
    Proceedings: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v. 653
    1. Khokhlov V.A., Inogamov N.A., Zhakhovsky V.V., Shepelev V.V., Il'nitsky D.K., Thin 10--100 nm film in contact with substrate: Dynamics after femtosecond laser irradiation. Abstract: Book of Abstracts p. 27
      Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015, v. 653, 012003
    2. Inogamov N.A., Zhakhovsky V.V., Khokhlov V.A., Faenov A.Ya., Shepelev V.V., Ilnitsky D.K., Hasegawa N., Nishikino M., Yamagiwa M., Ishino M., Pikuz T.A., Takayoshi S., Tomita T., Kawachi T. Modeling of pump-probe experiments with Ti:sapp pump and x-ray probe Abstract: Book of Abstracts p. 26
    3. Inogamov N.A., Zhakhovsky V.V., Khokhlov V.A., Shepelev V.V., Nienegger K. Mechanisms of laser peeling of thin films from substrate and formation of nanobump Abstract: Book of Abstracts p. 29
    4. Migdal K.P., Il'nitsky D.K., Petrov Yu.V., Inogamov N.A., Equations of state, energy transport and two-temperature hydrodynamic simulations for femtosecond laser irradiated copper and gold. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015, v. 653, 012086
    5. Yu. V. Petrov, N. A. Inogamov, S. I. Anisimov, K. P. Migdal, V. A. Khokhlov, K. V. Khishchenko. Thermal conductivity of condensed gold in states with the strongly excited electron subsystem Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2015, v. 653, 012087
    6. Migdal K.P., Il'nitsky D.K., Petrov Yu.V., Inogamov N.A., Two-temperature equations of state and lattice stability of copper and gold Abstract: Book of Abstracts p. 159
  • International High Power Laser Ablation Symposia & International Symposia on Beamed Energy Propulsion SANTA FE, NM, USA, 21-25 april 2014
    1. S.I. Ashitkov, P.S.Komarov, N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, M.B. Agranat, G.I. Kanel. Shock, ablation and formation of nanostructures in metals induced by femtosecond laser presentation
    2. H. M Urbassek, Y. Cherednikov, N. A. Inogamov. Modeling of Laser Ablation of LiF - Influence of Defects presentation
    3. N. A. Inogamov. Ultralong Standing Frozen Threads Forming Rim around an Ablation Crater Created by Femtosecond Laser
  • XXIX International Conference on Equations of State for Matter 26-я Международная конференция Уравнения состояния вещества Elbrus settlement, Kabardino-Balkaria Republic of Russian Federation, 1-8 March 6, 2014. пос. Эльбрус, КБР, 1-8 марта 2014.
    1. Khokhlov V.A., Inogamov N.A., Anisimov S.I., Zhakhovsky V.V., Emirov Yu.N., Ashitkov S.I., Komarov P.S., Agranat M.B., Frozen nanostructures produced by ultrashort laser pulse Abstract Presentation Article
    2. Petrov Yu.V., Inogamov N.A., Electron-phonon scattering and related electrical conductivity in noble and transition metals at high electron temperature Abstract Poster Article
    3. Migdal K.P., Petrov Yu.V., Zhakhovsky V.V., Inogamov N.A., Two-temperature equations of state for d-band metals irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses Abstract Presentation Article
  • Scientific-Coordination Session on Non-Ideal Plasma Physics NPP-2013 December 3-4, 2013, Moscow, Russia
  • 12-th International Conference on Laser Ablation COLA-2013, October 6-11, 2013, Ishia, Italy.
    1. O-08. N. Inogamov, V. Zhakhovsky, B. Demaske, Yu. Petrov, V. Khokhlov, K. Migdal, D. Ilnitsky, S. Ashitkov, M. Agranat. Generation of Shock Waves by Ultrashort Laser Pulses
    2. P3-01. N. Inogamov, V. Zhakhovsky, S. Ashitkov, Yu. Efimov, I. Oleynik, M. Agranat, S. Anisinov, Laser-induced melting, floaming and freezing of nano-structures at metal surface
  • ALT'13 International Conference Advanced Laser Technologies September 16-20, 2013, Budva, Montenegro.
    1. P.S. Komarov, S.I. Ashitkov, M.B. Agranat, N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, I.I. Oleynik Femtosecond Laser Ablation of Metals and Strengths of Condenced State
  • 18th Biennial Intl. Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held in conjunction with the 24th Biennial Intl. Conference of the Intl. Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT), Seattle, Washington, USA, July 7-12, 2013.
    1. J2.00001. Ilnitsky, D., Khokhlov, V.A., Inogamov, N.A., Petrov, Y.V., Zhakhovsky, V.V., Migdal, K., Anisimov, S.I. Two-temperature hydrodynamics of laser-generated ultrashort shock waves in elasto-plastic solids. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, 500(3), 032021
    2. J1.00004. Inogamov, N.A., Zhakhovsky, V.V., Emirov, Y., Oleynik, I., Ashitkov, S.I., Agranat, M.B., Faenov,A., Pikuz, T., Ishino, M., Hasegawa, N., Nishikino, M., Kawachi, T. Surface nano-structuring produced by spallation of metal irradiated by ultrashort laser pulse. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, 500, 112070
    3. M1.00038. Inogamov, N.A., Zhakhovsky, V.V., Demaske, B., Khokhlov, V.A., Oleynik, I. Coupling of strong elastic shock with supersonic melting front produced by ultrashort laser pulse.
    4. Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Inogamov, N. A.; Demaske, B. J.; Oleynik, I. I. & White, C. T. Elastic-plastic collapse of super-elastic shock waves in face-centered-cubic solids Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, 500(17), 172007
    5. Perriot, R.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Inogamov, N. A. & Oleynik, I. I. Evolution of elastic precursor and plastic shock wave in copper via molecular dynamics simulations Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2014, 500(17), 172008
    6. Inogamov, N. A.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Khokhlov, V. A.; Demaske, B. J.; Khishchenko, K. V. & Oleynik, I. I. Two-temperature hydrodynamic expansion and coupling of strong elastic shock with supersonic melting front produced by ultrashort laser pulse Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, 500(19), 192023
    7. Inogamov, N. A.; Zhakhovsky, V. V.; Khokhlov, V. A.; Ashitkov, S. I.; Emirov, Y. N.; Khichshenko, K. V.; Faenov, A. Y.; Pikuz, T. A.; Ishino, M.; Kando, M.; Hasegawa, N.; Nishikino, M.; Komarov, P. S.; Demaske, B. J.; Agranat, M. B.; Anisimov, S. I.; Kawachi, T. & Oleynik, I. I. Ultrafast lasers and solids in highly excited states: results of hydrodynamics and molecular dynamics simulations Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2014, 510(1), 012041
    Physical Sciences Department of RAS, Moscow, Russia
    A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
    1. N.Inogamov, Yu. Petrov, V. Khokhlov, S. Anisimov (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia), V. Zhakhovsky (Department of Physics, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA), S.Ashitkov, K.Kishchenko, M. Agranat, V.Fortov (JIHT, Russia), Migdal, D.Ilnitsky (All-Russia Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow, Russia) Fast phase transitions, shocks formation, and surface nano-structuring caused by ultrashort laser pulses
  • 5th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials Science FemtoMat 2013, March 18 - 20, 2013, Mauterndorf Castle, Mauterndorf, Salzburg, Austria
    1. N.A. Inogamov, S.I. Anisimov, Yu.V. Petrov, V.A. Khokhlov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, Yu.N. Emirov, I.I. Oleynik, S.I. Ashitkov, M.B. Agranat, K.P. Migdal, D. IInitskiy. Femtosecond ablation: two-temperature stage, super-elastic shocks, and frozen nanostructures Abstract
  • 4-th International Conference on High Energy Density Physics, 25-28 June, 2013, Saint Malo, France.
    1. D. Ilnitsky , N. Inogamov. Consideration of elastic properties in laser-induced shockwave propagation in nickel.
  • International Symposium Fundamentals of laser assisted micro-& Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-13), June 24-28, 2013, St. Petersburg - Russia.
    1. N.A. Inogamov, S.I. Anisimov, Yu.V. Petrov, V.A. Khokhlov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, Yu.N. Emirov, I.I. Oleynik, S.I. Ashitkov, K.V. Khishchenko, M.B. Agranat, V.E. Fortov. Ultrashort laser - matter interaction at moderate intensities: two-temperature stage, elastic-plastic transformations, and final frozen nanostructures.
    2. K.P. Migdal, Y.V. Petrov, N.A. Inogamov. Kinetic coefficients for d-band metals in the two-temperature state after femtosecond laser irradiation.
  • XXVIII International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter March 1-6, 2013, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia Procedings: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2013, JIHT RAS, Moscow, 2013. ISBN 978-5-94691-533-5 Book of Abstracts
    1. Yu.V. Petrov, N.A. Inogamov, K.P. Migdal. Kinetic coefficients of metals ablated under the action of femtosecond laser pulses. .ppt - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2013 - Elbrus-2013 / Eds. Fortov V.E., et.al., Moscow: JITH RAS, 2013, p. 33-36.
    2. V.A. Khokhlov, N.A. Inogamov, S.I. Anisimov, V.V. Zhakhovsky ELASTIC-PLASTIC PHENOMENA IN SHOCK WAVES CAUSED BY SHORT LASER PULSES.> .ppt - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2013 - Elbrus-2013 / Eds. Fortov V.E., et.al., Moscow: JITH RAS, 2013, p. 61-64.
  • XXV IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, 20-24 August, 2013, Moscow, Russia.
    1. Inogamov N.A. Ultrafast Lasers, highly exited solids, and DFT-EAM-MD simulations.
  • Конференция Landau days 2013
    1. Khokhlov V.A., Anisimov S.I., Inogamov N.A., Petrov Yu.V., Двухтемпературная термо- и гидродинамика при короткоимпульсном лазерном воздействии на металлы Abstract
    2. Petrov Yu.V., Anisimov S.I., Inogamov N.A., Khokhlov V.A., Migdal K.P., Электропроводность и теплопроводность металлов при высоких электронных температурах, возникающих при воздействии на них фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов Abstract
  • 17th Biennial Int. Conf. of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, June 26-July 1, 2011; Chicago, Illinois, USA. Procedings: SHOCK COMPRESSION OF CONDENSED MATTER - 2011 Eds. Tracy Vogler and Mark Elert
    1. N. Inogamov, V. Khokhlov, Yu. Petrov, S. Anisimov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, B.J. Demaske, I.I. Oleynik, S.I. Ashitkov, K.V. Khishchenko, M. Agranat, V. Fortov, C.T. White, Ultrashort elastic and plastic shock waves in aluminum, AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 909-912 (2012) [ Proc.]
    2. B.J. Demaske, V.V. Zhakhovsky, N. Inogamov, C.T. White, I.I. Oleynik, MD simulations of laser-induced ultrashort shock waves in nickel, AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 1163-1166 (2012) [ Proc.]
    3. V.V. Zhakhovsky, M.M. Budzevich, N. Inogamov, C.T. White, I.I. Oleynik, Single two-zone elastic-plastic shock waves in solids, AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 1227-1232 (2012)
    4. B.J. Demaske, V.V. Zhakhovsky, N.A. Inogamov, C.T. White, I.I. Oleynik, Evolution of metastable elastic shock waves in nickel, AIP Conf. Proc. 1426, 1303-1306 (2012).
    1. V.V. Zhakhovsky, B.J. Demaske, N.A. Inogamov, V.A. Khokhlov, S.I. Ashitkov, M.B. Agranat, I.I. Oleynik, Super-elastic response of metals to laser-induced shock waves, AIP Conf. Proc. 1464, 102-112 (2012).
    2. S.I. Ashitkov, N.A. Inogamov, P.S. Komarov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, I.I. Oleynik, M.B. Agranat, G.I. Kanel, V.E. Fortov, Strength of metals in liquid and solid states at extremely high tension produced by femtosecond laser heating, AIP Conf. Proc. 1464, 120-125 (2012).
    3. N.A. Inogamov, Yu.V. Petrov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, V.A. Khokhlov, B.J. Demaske, S.I. Ashitkov, K.V. Khishchenko, K.P. Migdal, M.B. Agranat, S.I. Anisimov, V.E. Fortov, I.I. Oleynik, Two-temperature thermodynamic and kinetic properties of transition metals irradiated by femtosecond lasers, AIP Conf. Proc. 1464, 593-608 (2012).
  • Third International Symposium Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasmas Applied to Science, Energy, Industry, and Medicine, 30 May - 02 June 2011, Kyoto, Japan, 30 May-2 June 2011, Kyoto, Japan
    1. M. Ishino, A. Faenov, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, S. Tamotsu, T. Pikuz, N. Inogamov, V. Zhakhovsky, I. Skobelev, V. Fortov, V. Khohlov, V. Shepelev, T. Ohba, T. Kaihori, Y. Ochi, T. Imazono, T. Kawachi, Interaction of soft x-ray laser pulse radiation with aluminum surface: Nano-meter size surface modification, AIP Conf. Proc. 1465, 236-240 (2012).
  • XXVII International Conference on Equations of State for Matter March 1-6, 2012, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia Compendium of papers
    1. V.A. Khokhlov, N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, S.I. Anisimov, Yu.V. Petrov, The structure of superelastic&plastic shock wave, (.ppt+*.avi).zip - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2012 - Elbrus-2012 / Eds. Fortov V.E., et.al., Chernogolovka: IPCP RAS, 2012, p. 39-41.
    2. Yu.V. Petrov, N.A. Inogamov. Thermal conductivity due to s-s and s-d electron interaction in nickel at high electron temperatures .ppt - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2012 - Elbrus-2012 / Eds. Fortov V.E., et.al., Chernogolovka: IPCP RAS, 2012, p. 87-90.
  • 19th European Conference on Fracture, European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS), August 2012, Kazan, Russia.
    1. N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, S.I. Ashitkov, V.A. Khokhlov, B.J. Demaske, S.I. Anisimov, M.B. Agranat, V.E. Fortov, I.I. Oleynik, Ablation and Spallation of Metals by Femtosecond Laser Pulse, In: 19th European Conference on Fracture, European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS), August 2012, Kazan, Russia. ISBN 978-5-905576-18-8, 2012, 226_proceeding (10 pages).
    2. N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, S.I. Ashitkov, V.A. Khokhlov, B.J. Demaske, S.I. Anisimov, M.B. Agranat, V.E. Fortov, I.I. Oleynik, Super-Elastic and Plastic Shock Waves Generated by Lasers, In: 19th European Conference on Fracture, European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS), August 2012, Kazan, Russia. ISBN 978-5-905576-18-8, 2012, 229_proceeding (10 pages).
    3. N.A. Inogamov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, S.I. Ashitkov, Yu.N. Eminov, A.Ya. Faenov, Yu.V. Petrov, V.A. Khokhlov, M. Ishino, B.J. Demaske, M. Tanaka, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, S. Tamotsu, T.A. Pikuz, I.Y. Skobelev, T. Ohba, T. Kaihori, Y. Ochi, T. Imazono, Y. Fukuda, M. Kando, Y. Kato, T. Kawachi, S.I. Anisimov, M.B. Agranat, I.I. Oleynik, V.E. Fortov, Surface Nanodeformations Caused by Ultrashort Laser Pulse, In: 19th European Conference on Fracture, European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS), August 2012, Kazan, Russia. ISBN 978-5-905576-18-8, 2012, 231_proceeding (9 pages).
  • XXVI International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter March 1-6, 2011, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia Compendium of papers
    1. N.A. Inogamov, V.A. Khokhlov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, Elastic-plastic phenomena and propagation of strong shock waves under the action of femtosecond laser pulses, Elbrus2012Petrpv.ppt - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2011. / Ed. by V.E. Fortov et al., Chernogolovka, 2011, p. 11-14.
    2. S.I. Anisimov, A.Yu. Faenov, N.A. Inogamov, V.A. Khokhlov, Yu.V. Petrov, I.Yu. Skobelev, V.V. Zhakhovsky, Ablation of lithium fluoride dielectric crystal by the short pulses of x-ray plasma laser and extreme ultraviolet free electron laser, Elbrus2011Khokhlov.ppt - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2011. / Ed. by V.E. Fortov et al., Chernogolovka, 2011, p. 38-41.
  • INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH POWER LASER ABLATION 2010 18-22 April 2010, Santa Fe, (New Mexico)
    1. B.J. Demaske, V.V. Zhakhovsky, N.A. Inogamov, I.I. Oleynik, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Femtosecond Laser Ablation and Spallation of Gold, AIP Conf. Proc., 1278, 121-130 (2010).
  • APS March Meeting, March 15-19, 2010, Portland, Oregon
    1. B. Demaske, V. Zhakhovsky, N. Inogamov, I. Oleynik, Molecular dynamics simulations of ablation and spallation of gold irradiated by femtosecond laser, APS March Meeting, March 15-19, 2010, Portland, Oregon. Session D28: SPS Undergraduate Research II, Abstract: D28.00008.
    2. V. Zhakhovsky, B. Demaske, N. Inogamov, I. Oleynik, Molecular dynamics simulation of shock wave and spallation phenomena in metal foils irradiated by femtosecond laser pulse, APS March Meeting, March 15-19, 2010, Portland, Oregon. Session W30: Focus Session: High Pressure IV: Dynamics of Shock Induced Phase Transitions, Abstract: W30.00012.
  • XXV International Conference on Equations of State for Matter March 1-6, 2010, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia Compendium of papers
    1. V.A. Khokhlov, N.A. Inogamov, S.I. Anisimov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, V.V. Shepelev, S.I. Ashitkov, P.S. Komarov, M.B. Agranat, V.E. Fortov, Investigation of two-temperature relaxation in thin foil on a glass substrate initiated by the action of ultrashort laser pulse, (ppt+*.avi}.zip - In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2010, / Ed. by Fortov V.E. et al., Chernogolovka, 2010, pp. 127-129
    2. Yu.V. Petrov, N.A. Inogamov, Electron collision frequency and heat conductivity in metals up to the electron temperatures compared with the Fermi temperature, In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2010, / Ed. by Fortov V.E. et al., Chernogolovka, 2010, pp. 129-132
  • International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation 2010 Santa Fe, New Mexico, 18-22 April 2010
    1. S.I. Anisimov, N.A. Inogamov, V.A. Khokhlov, Yu.V. Petrov, A.Ya. Faenov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, I.Yu. Skobelev, T.A. Pikuz, V.E. Fortov, M. Tanaka, M. Kishimoto, M. Ishino, M. Nishikino, Y. Fukuda, S.V. Bulanov, T. Kawachi, K. Nishihara, Y. Kato, V.V. Shepelev, Spallative ablation of metals and dielectrics by ultrashort X-ray lasers, Int. Symp. on High Power Laser Ablation, Eldorado Hotel, Santa Fe, NM, 19-22 April 2010, Book of Abstracts, p. 57-58 (2010).
  • Международная конференция Фундаментальные основы лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий (FLAMN-10) Санкт-Петербург - Пушкин, Россия, 5-8 инля 2010 [Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-10), July 5-8, 2010, St. Petersburg - Pushkin, Russia].
    1. N.A. Inogamov, S.I. Anisimov, V.V. Zhakhovsky, A.Ya. Faenov, Yu.V. Petrov, V.A. Khokhlov, V.E. Fortov, M.B. Agranat, S.I. Ashitkov, P.S. Komarov, A.Ya. Faenov, I.Yu. Skobelev, Y. Kato, T.A. Pikuz, V.V. Shepelev, Ablation by short optical and X-ray laser pulses, Proc. SPIE, 7996, 79960T (2010)
  • XXIV International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter March 1-6, 2009, Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia Compendium of papers
  • Inogamov N.A., Ashitkov S.I., Zhakhovskii V.V., Petrov Yu.V., Khokhlov V.A., Agranat M.B., Anisimov S.I., Nishihara K., Komarov P.S., Band structures of simple and noble metals and their material properties in a two-temperature state with hot electrons overheated above a cold crystal lattice by an ultrashort laser pulse, In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2009 / Edited by Fortov V.E. et al., Chernogolovka, 2009, pp. 7-11.
  • Zhakhovskii V.V., Inogamov N.A., Ashitkov S.I., Agranat M.B., Petrov Yu.V., Nishihara K., Ideal material strength, nanospallation, and molecular dynamics simulation by adequate EAM interatomic potential, In: Physics of Extreme States of Matter - 2009 / Edited by Fortov V.E. et al., Chernogolovka, 2009, pp. 12-15.
  • SPIE High-Power Laser Ablation VII, 20-28 April, 2008, New Mexico, USA
    1. Yu.V. Petrov, V.V. Zhakhovskii, N.A. Inogamov, S.I. Ashitkov, V.A. Khokhlov, A.K. Upadhyay, M.B. Agranat, S.I. Anisimov, K. Nishihara, B. Rethfeld, H.M. Urbassek. Equation of state of matter irradiated by short laser pulse and geometry of spalled cupola, Proc. SPIE, 7005, 70051W (2008) (12 pages).
    2. Inogamov N.A., Anisimov S.I., Petrov Yu.V., Khokhlov V.A., Zhakhovskii V.V., Nishihara K., Agranat M.B., Ashitkov S.I., Komarov P.S. Theoretical and experimental study of hydrodynamics of metal target irradiated by ultrashort laser pulse, Proc. SPIE, 7005, 70052F (2008) (10 pages).
  • XXIII Международная конференция Уравнения состояния вещества 1-6 марта 2008, п. Эльбрус, Кабардино-балкария, Россия, Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2008 / ред. Фортов В.Е. и др., Черноголовка, 2008
    1. Н.А. Иногамов, В.В. Жаховский, Ю.В. Петров, В.А. Хохлов, С.И. Ашитков, С.И. Анисимов, М.Б. Агранат, К. Нишихара. Гидродинамика взаимодействия ультракороткого лазерного импульса с веществом: сравнение расчётов с экспериментом, // в сб. Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2008 / ред. Фортов В.Е. и др., Черноголовка, 2008, с. 172-175.
    2. Ю.В. Петров, С.И. Aнисимов, Н.А. Иногамов, В.А. Хохлов, В.В. Жаховский, К. Нишихара, А.К. Упедей, Б. Рэтфельд, X.M. Урбассек, Субпикосекундная лазерная абляция: универсальность порога и специфика околопорогового поведения // в сб. Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2008, / ред. Фортов В.Е. и др., Черноголовка, 2008, с.175-177.
  • 6-й Российский симпозиум ПРОБЛЕМЫ ФИЗИКИ УЛЬТРАКОРОТКИХ ПРОЦЕССОВ В СИЛЬНОНЕРАВНОВЕСНЫХ СРЕДАХ Новый Афон, 23 июля - 1 августа 2011 г. Тезисы докладов
    1. С.И. Ашитков, М.Б. Агранат, С.И. Анисимов, В.В. Жаховский, Н.А. Иногамов, П.С. Комаров, В.Г. Каменев, К. Нишихара, А.В. Овчинников, Ю.В. Петров, Д.С. Ситников, В.А. Хохлов, Исследование высокоскоростных деформаций в тонких металлических пленках под действием фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов, // Тезисы доклада, 6-й Российский симпозиум Проблемы физики ультракоротких процессов в сильнонеравновесных средах, Новый Афон, 23 июля - 1 августа 2008 г.
  • 8-th International workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, Moscow, Russia, September 26-28, 2007 Book of Abstracts, Joint Inst. for High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, (2007), (640 Kb)
    1. Inogamov N.A., Anisimov S.I., Petrov Yu.V., Khokhlov V.A. Zhakhovskii V.V. Agranat M.B. Ashitkov S.I. Sitnikov D.S. Ovchinnikov A.V. Nishihara K. Oparin A.M. Shepelev V.V., Femtosecond ablation (FSA): calculated and measured ablation thresholds agree for a first time, / In: 8th Int. Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, Moscow, Russia, September 26-28, 2007, Book of Abstracts, p. 30-31 (2007)
    2. V.V. Zhakhovskii, N.A. Inogamov, K. Nishihara, Double-front and back- nanospallation of foil after ultrashort laser pulse (USLP) "impact": precise ultrafast optical diagnostics, / In: 8th Int. Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, Moscow, Russia, September 26-28, 2007, Book of Abstracts, p. 47-48 (2007)
  • 9-th annual Conference on Laser Ablation COLA 2007 September 24-28, Tenerife, Spain, 2007
    1. Anisimov S.I., Inogamov N.A., Petrov Yu.V., Khokhlov V.A., Zhakhovskii V.V., Nishihara K., Agranat M.B., Ashitkov S.I., Ovchinnikov A.V., Sitnikov D.S., Interaction of short laser pulses with metals at moderate intensities, / In: 9-th annual Conference on Laser Ablation COLA 2007, September 24-28, 2007, Tenerife, Spain, Technical Program, Report MO-09, p. 20 (2007), Applied Physics, A 92(4), 939-943 (2007)
    2. Anisimov S.I., Inogamov N.A., Petrov Yu.V., Khokhlov V.A., Zhakhovskii V.V., Nishihara K., Agranat M.B., Ashitkov S.I., Ovchinnikov A.V., Sitnikov D.S., Thresholds for frontal ablation/spallation and back spallation of thin foil irradiated by femtosecond laser pulse, / In: 9-th annual Conference on Laser Ablation COLA 2007, September 24-28, 2007, Tenerife, Spain, Technical Program, Report MO-09, p. 62 (2007), Applied Physics A 92(4), 797-801 (2007)
  • Международная конференция Фундаментальные основы лазерных микро- и нанотехнологий (FLAMN-07) 25- 28 июня 2007 г., Санкт-Петербург, Россия [International Conference Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro-and Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-07)] ABSTRACTS St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), St. Petersburg, 2007
    1. S.I. Anisimov, M.B. Agranat, S.I. Ashitkov, V.V. Zhakhovskii, N.A. Inogamov, K. Nishihara, A.V. Ovchinnikov, Yu.V. Petrov, D.S. Sitnikov, V.A. Khokhlov, Nanospallation under action of femtosecond laser pulse, / In: Int. Conf. Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro-and Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-07), St.Petersburg, Russia, 25-26 June, 2007, Abstracts, p. 9.
  • Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2007
    1. M.B. Agranat, S.I. Anisimov, S.I. Ashitkov, V.V. Zhakhovskii, N.A. Inogamov, K. Nishihara, Yu.V. Petrov, Nanospallation induced by a femtosecond laser pulse, Proc. SPIE, 6720, 672002 (2007).
  • Fifth International Conference on Inertial Fusion Science and Applications, September 9-14, 2007, Kobe, Japan.
    1. V. Zhakhovskii, N. Inogamov, K. Nishihara, Laser ablation and spallation of crystalline aluminum simulated by Molecular Dynamics, Abstracts of Fifth International Conference on Inertial Fusion Science and Applications, p. 283, September 9-14, 2007, Kobe, Japan.
  • 10th Int. Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, 17-21 July 2006, Paris, France.
    1. N.A. Inogamov, Richtmyer-Meshkov turbulence, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing, 17-21 July 2006, Paris, France. Editors: M.Legrand and M. Vandenboomgarde.
    2. A.Yu. Demianov, N.A. Inogamov, A.M. Oparin, Gravitational and Shear Turbulence of Two-Phase System Flowing Through Wide Inclined Pipes, Proc. 10th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing (IWPCTM 10), Abstracts, 17-21 July 2006, Paris (France).
  • XXI Международная конференция Уравнения состояния вещества 1-6 марта 2006, п. Эльбрус, Кабардино-балкария, Россия, Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2006 / ред. Фортов В.Е. и др., Черноголовка, 2006
    1. С.И. Анисимов, В.В. Жаховский, Н.А. Иногамов, К. Нишихара, Ю.В. Петров, В.А. Хохлов, Об отличии гидродинамического расчета разрыва фольги от молекулярно-динамического, // Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2006, Сборник статей, XXI Международная конференция Уравнения состояния вещества, с.161-163 (2006).
    2. М.Б. Агранат, С.И. Ашитков, А.В. Овчинников, Д.С. Ситников, С.И. Анисимов, В.В. Жаховский, Н.А. Иногамов, К. Нишихара, Ю.В. Петров, В.А. Хохлов, О пределах существования откольно-кавитационной пластины при облучении конденсированной мишени ультракоротким лазерным импульсом, // Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2006, Сборник статей, XXI Международная конференция Уравнения состояния вещества, с.163-164 (2006).
    3. С.И. Анисимов, В.В. Жаховский, Н.А. Иногамов, К. Нишихара, Ю.В. Петров, В.А. Хохлов, Отрыв факела, образованного воздействием ультракороткого лазерного импульса, на конденсированную мишень, // Физика экстремальных состояний вещества - 2006, Сборник статей, XXI Международная конференция Уравнения состояния вещества, с.164-166 (2006).
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